Peninsula Hypnosis & Counselling

Please Note: Carol’s books are currently closed.

My way of working as a therapist has developed through personal and professional experiences. Over many years I have learnt from and value working with individuals at all stages of life. I also enjoy working with couples and families.

I started as a counsellor in the rehabilitation sector nearly 35 years ago and have worked as a Psychologist since 2004 and what I’ve noticed over and over again is how important the relationship is between the therapist and the person seeking help. This is affirmed through my own experience as well as research into what makes therapy effective for people.

Carol Schulz
Clinical & Counselling Psychologist
BBSc Grad DipEd Psych MPsych (Counselling) MAPS

When we are in pain, feel lost, stuck or overwhelmed by a crisis we are especially vulnerable. The usual ways of coping don’t work or are making things worse. The people we love and trust might be unavailable, or we don’t want to bother them, or we fear they might get angry or not understand. And just being in your own head is not helping.

So we seek professional help…and there is a sea of help out there, but how do you find the right fit? The reason I’m writing this is in the hope that people who relate to what I say here will find my approach helpful. When we are vulnerable, we are more sensitive to judgement and rejection. We need compassion and honesty. We want to stop hurting.  We want clarity and a way forward, which we just can’t get a hold of in our present state of mind.

The kind of ‘talking’ in therapy is different from talking with friends or family. There are times when we need to be able to express our selves in a way that is unedited. Where we are free to say exactly what is going on in a way that will help us make sense of it all and turn the chaos into some kind of order or understanding that can lead to positive change.

To have someone in your corner who will give you an honest and compassionate perspective, is really important when facing and healing your pain and to find a way forward in your life.

My experience includes working with people surviving trauma in different forms often out of abusive personal relationships, both in their early years and as adults.

I can help couples communicate and connect better as well as join with young adults as they explore who they are, in order to help them develop their potential and become effective agents of their own life.

Having lost close family members in my own life, this lived experience has helped inform my work with those experiencing this type of pain. Loss through change of all kinds is challenging and therapy can be very important at times like this. I also work with individuals with vulnerable personalities, where negative emotions can sweep them into a sea of unbearable emotions. There are skills to learn that help those struggling in this way and where a trustworthy and gentle therapeutic bond is especially important.  

How Carol approaches work with her clients

I am very attentive to each persons particular reason for coming to see me and we work from there. I want to I am very attentive to each person’s particular reason for coming to see me and we work from there. I want to understand their main concerns. What is important and valuable to them, what their needs are and what is stopping them from taking the steps necessary to reach their potential or solve their issues.

There are many different approaches that can be used in therapy, approaches can involve not only talking but using experiential techniques which help to tune into the wisdom of the body and what it can tell us about our past hurts that also help resolve the pain inside. There are skills and practices to learn that help us to manage our unhelpful thought patterns, challenge our beliefs that bring us down, help us to recognise and regulate unruly emotions or ways to calm the mind. I will be interested to get an understanding of your strengths and potentials and can also offer suggestions that may help you develop yourself and heal.

Cost of sessions

The standard charge for a 50 minute session is $200. If you have a Mental Health Care Plan prepared by your GP under Medicare you be paying a gap of $62.95 (or less if there is financial hardship) For those with a referral from their psychiatrist or GP through a Mental Health Care Plan, Medicare provides a rebate for 10 sessions per calendar year.

If you have an accepted claim with TAC, WorkCover, or Victims of Crime, there are no out-of-pocket expenses for sessions provided through these services.

For individuals with an NDIS package, psychological counselling can be included in their package.

Bulk bill services are available for people on a low income such as those accessing Disability Support Pension or Job search benefit, full time students and single parents.

Some private health insurance policies include psychological services. The rebate varies depending on the insurer and extras policy. Check your policy with your health insurance provider find out whether they provide rebates for the services offered. 

At least 24 hours notice if is requested if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. A late cancellation fee is charged under some circumstances.