Registered Clinical Psychologist
0409 953 537
176 Beach Street
Frankston Vic 3199
I graduated in France as a clinical psychologist in 2001 and have been trained in the psychoanalytic/psychodynamic method.
I have over 20 years experience in various clinical settings, dealing with clients experiencing a wide range of mental health difficulties and life problems. I help individuals of all ages, from diverse cultures and backgrounds. I am bilingual French and English.
I undertake regular professional development through various schools of psychoanalysis and conferences, in both French and English (The Freudian School of Melbourne, Lacan Circle of Australia, the French school “L’Ecole de la Cause Freudienne”).
What is psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy?
This treatment approach is essentially based on talking with the purpose of learning about oneself. The aim is to find your own voice, your own place, and your own story.
Symptoms you may be experiencing are not deemed mistakes or a learning errors, but rather as clues to your individual truth.
This approach aims to give you time to think more deeply about, and explore, the causes of your symptoms in order to build your own unique solutions.
Speaking brings clarity. It changes our relationship to things. It allows us to work through and come to terms with what has happened to us. In these ways, it lets us change our problems into something else. Anxiety can reduce or disappear, depression fades, relationships are viewed in a different light, solutions are found, and life starts to make sense in new ways.
I offer in-person, zoom, or phone sessions.
Work on the following issues with Adults, Teenagers, or Children are covered under Medicare:
– Anxiety – Depression – Addictions – OCD – Stress
– PTSD – Identity issues – Difficulties with work, study or family life
– Fears/Phobias – Patterns of suffering in body or in mind which limit freedom