When should I seek counselling or therapy?

Most often people seek counselling when life has reached some kind of crisis. Sometimes people have stuff that bothers them but it lurks in the background of their mind and seems easier to ignore or use other ways to cope, often choosing ways that can lead to other problems and consequences like relying on addictive substances or rigid rituals or working long hours. There are countless ways people manage in healthy and unhealthy ways.

Shame or fear of rejection, of being abandoned or let down are also powerful feelings that put people off seeking help. Even as your own harshest critic it’s reasonable to consider that sharing your burden with someone who is non judgmental and open might lead to shedding light on the issue with the chance to release ourselves from what becomes a kind of prison.

Some have grown up to believe that they should be able to deal with their own problems and to seek help is a sign of weakness. In my experience this amounts to an unreasonable expectation as we are by nature imperfect beings who are inherently social and who in fact thrive through relationships. So what makes it wrong to seek extra help when there are in extraordinary circumstances? Making time for yourself to understand and find out how to deal with the problem is in my experience a sign of strength and courage.

What actually happens in therapy?

What happens in therapy is shaped by the kind of issue someone is struggling with and who they are as a person. At the start it is important to have a good understanding about the circumstances leading up to seeking assistance. Hearing about what is happening in different areas of life like relationships, work, family, friends and of course what is going on in the person’s mind and body are important.  Typically physical illnesses, especially chronic conditions interact with our mental health so it is relevant to have and understanding of the person’s medical history and physical health. It is also helpful to learn about any significant experiences, especially in the formative years as these early experiences have a greater impact on shaping a person and their ways of being and coping in the world.

With my particular training and expertise and you as an expert on your own life we work together to discover ways to solve the concerns you have. There may be things you don’t want to talk about at a given time and this is ok too; you need to feel safe and in control of the process. We’ll identify relevant resources and information and then you might practise changing patterns in behaviours or ways of communicating etc.

Some people benefit most from gaining insight about something painful they’ve been through which changes their perspective, how they feel about it and what they might do in light of this change. Others learn different ways to tackle problems that previously seemed unsolvable. Others again may heal by connecting with blocked off parts of themselves by carefully exploring painful material in such a way that it transforms their view of happened and who they are as a person. Some benefit from a process of greater self acceptance with their lot, finding peace where before there was more pain.  And some experience a kind of release and freeing from a burden of shame or self loathing when they discover that their experiences are normal and human…

How much does it cost? Do you bulk bill?

Please refer to each Practioner’s page for details on costs.

How do I get to you via Public Transport?

Get the train or bus to Frankston Railway Station, then the 770 Bus along Beach Street and get off at the Leonard St bus stop. The practice is diagonally opposite – cross the road and walk to left about 50 meters.